

Review: Grape, Olive, Pig by Matt Goulding

For a fun read on Spain, pick up Grape, Olive, Pig by Matt Goulding. Part culinary exposé, part memoir, part love letter to Spain, the book showcases the deep food traditions across Spain and the author’s discoveries of them as an American building his life and family in Barcelona. Goulding’s reflections are so compelling that you will be tempted to hop on the next plane and head straight towards the first jamón-filled restaurant you see. Go for it! And get this book. It’s great.


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After a few hours drive to a small town of around 18,000, I was prepared for my homestay experience. Having spent a week in northern Spain, I had accustomed myself to the northern Castilian accent in which they pronounced every letter, and I felt...
It is day 7, and the LITA bus is parked outside the Eroski grocery store. We are waiting for the signal from Jordan that all the families are assembled and ready to receive their new American sons and daughters. All twelve students are dealing with...
For a fun read on Spain, pick up Grape, Olive, Pig by Matt Goulding. Part culinary exposé, part memoir, part love letter to Spain, the book showcases the deep food traditions across Spain and the author’s discoveries of them as an American...