

Cultural Stories from Spain: Feria del Jamón Ibérico

The beginning of fall in the Sierra de Aracena not only marks the changing of seasons and colors in one of the most beautiful Sierras of Andalucía, but it also marks the area’s yearly festival dedicated to jamón ibérico. This delicious cured meat local to the Sierra, one beloved by Spaniards across the country and desired by foreigners looking for a taste of old-school Spain, makes a name for the area and is a source of pride to those who call it home. The festival, as its name suggests, celebrates all things jamón, with a traditional pig carving demonstration, a jamón leg cutting class, jamón tasting events, artisanal food stands, and music and dance, among other activities over the course of the festival’s two consecutive weekend celebrations. It almost seems to be a small display of affection for the product, considering the importance it is given across the country. Regardless of whether or not your love for jamón mimics that of a local, the Feria del Jamón Ibérico (held this year from October 21st to October 30th) is nonetheless a great excuse to visit the Sierra and the festival’s host town (and one of our favorites), Aracena!


I moved to Spain three years ago when I decided to take a sabbatical from my decade-long career as a K-12 Visual Arts teacher. Now that I have had the chance to live, work, and even study again (to complete a second master’s degree in Spanish...
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“You will be writing these postcards to your future selves,” my co-leader, Zac, and I tell the students on our last day of the trip. After more than four weeks in a more rural areas with with the LITA group, Zac and I were curious how...
When I first pulled up to the gas station outside of my pueblo de acogida, my stomach was in knots. I hadn’t been this nervous since my Section swim meet, and I felt like I was going to crumple up into a ball of straight up nerves. We had...